Assalamualaikum WR WB,
Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Dadang Solihin. I am a Chairman of Jakarta Research Council. First of all, I would like to say thank you to Dr. Aisa Tobing, Deputy Secretary General of CityNet for the kind invitation to the Pre-Climate Leadership Program Workshop Phase III.
I also would like to add my words of thanks to Prof. Sutanto Soehodho Deputy Governor for Industry, Trade and Transportation; Participants member of CityNet from India, Sri Langka, Sidoarjo, Denpasar, Pangkal Pinang, Bogor, Sukabumi, Bandung, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), Urban and Regional Development (URDI); Partner International Organization from Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, United Cities Local Governments Asia-Pacific (UCLG-ASPAC), The International Urban Cooperation (IUC), Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM); NGOs from Gerakan Ciliwung Bersih, GrEEnAcc - Institute for Green and Efficient Energy Acceleration, Thamrin School; and Others.
We are happy you are here for participating this very interesting and useful training on the issues that we are in the cities facing lately. I find that this jointly organized by CityNet and Jakarta Research Council, remarkable for several reasons. First, this workshop is a continuation of the previous CLP1 and CLP2 Workshop last 2 years that was conducted in Jakarta. In this case, DRD has and will always play a role since phase 1, not only in its implementation, but also in providing support for research approaches in combatting the effects of climate crisis.
Second, facing the Global challenges, Countries and Cities has been committed to implement Global Agenda such as the SDGs, Paris Agreement. New Urban Agenda, and Sendai Framework which oriented towards solutions to challenges and the impact of Global with Local Action. This Global Agenda must be translated into innovative strategies in every stages of urban management in sustainable ways.
Third, the topic chosen for this Climate Leadership Workshop Phase 3 is For a Better, Greener, and Smarter City toward Resilient and Sustainable City. Regarding this matter and in accordance with our agenda, we sincerely request that all of you may share regarding to accelerating efforts and innovative actions in anticipation of climate crisis related to the Global Agenda and the commitment of cities to anticipate Climate Crisis. In supporting this, Stakeholders Collaboration and City to City cooperation have much opportunities to share their knowledge and experiences in developing and implementing appropriate policies as well as that innovative steps for achieving sustainable development.
The objective of the whole workshop is to develop the capacity of leaders and prospective leaders to be innovative, professional and visionary as well as the development of leadership based on system thinking, knowledge management, transformation challenges and community development which are important aspects for formulation and implementation policies.
In addition, this activity is intended to explore various potentials and initiatives of Climate actions in cities that can be disseminated to foster the development of innovative strategies in each city. So, they understand and are aware of the right instruments and the importance of climate actions in various aspects of urban management. In the end, they can involve and unite the mission of the stakeholders and climate crisis networks to realize the acceleration of climate mitigation actions and adaptation actions as well.
Specifically, this pre CLP3 will train the participants to get: - Learning about the success of various strategies and policies and the implementation of greenhouse gases reductions from potential sectors and how to overcome challenges faced,
- Understanding the methodology for calculating GHG emission inventories, calculating GHG emission reductions, and monitoring, including the economic costs of climate crisis impacts, financing and benefits of reducing GHG emissions caused,
- Developing intercity and stakeholder cooperation by identifying steps in formulating mitigation actions appropriately through the process of identifying emission contributors.
In this opportunity I would like to commend all of you who have taken part in this great initiative and encourage the rest of you to find opportunities in the future to collaborate with each other. I wish you a fruitful and thoughtful discussion.
Finally, see you in Bali on November 17-20 this year as the follow up of this CLP III workshop.
Thank you very much. Wabillahi Taufik wal Hidayah Wassalamualaikum WR WB